Saturday, August 29, 2009

President Obama: Assumptions, Expectations and the Law of Unexpected Consequences

Assumption: an hypothesis that is taken for granted.

Expectation: a prospect of future good.

The Law of Unintended Consequences: any purposeful action will produce some unanticipated or unintended consequences.


Assumption: Barack Obama's nomination was a sign of hope, a sign of change, a sign of possible enlightenment.

Expectation: If Barack Obama is elected as President, the results can only be positive.

The Unanticipated/Unintended Consequences: The incredible emergence of fear/conflict and destructive reactions to both that have followed President Obama's election to office.

I act like I'm surprised. Like I can't understand how this could possibly happen.

Yet - what is one of the most powerful sources of fear?


And, how do we react to change - especially when provoked to believe change may result in not getting our basic needs met or that our identity - who we are - is threatened?


The basic reactions to fear: fight or flight.

When we feel backed into a corner, left with no way out, feeling that survival of our very identity is at stake, we will resist/fight with every ounce of strength we have.

If we understand this, we will respond to this reaction with empathy.

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