Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Discrimination and Mediation

Is it possible to mediate situations involving discrimination?

Short answer: Yes.

I'll attempt to explain.

Discrimination involves ignorance and fear.

Awareness and knowledge are catalysts for replacing ignorance and fear with understanding and empathy.

Mediation can be a conduit for awareness, knowledge, understanding and empathy.


The honesty of mediation provides fertile ground for the seeds of fear and the (perhaps unexpected) growth of empathy.

Okay - that sounds stupidly hoaky. :)

I won't go so far as to say that laws aren't significant to overcoming discrimination. However, laws are only one approach.

Opportunities for communication through mediation provide another approach.

The difference?

Laws require deciding who is "right," which inherently includes deciding who is "wrong."

Can something like discrimination truly be a simple matter right or wrong?

I don't think so.

I believe discrimination needs to be addressed on a deeper level.

Laws may eventually change behavior but without the necessary, more fundamental changes (awareness, understanding, and empathy) are we really any better off?

Mediation can take the issue of discrimination to the level needed to create lasting change. This level involves human relationships - something the law is not equipped (or meant ) to consider.

I would love to know your thoughts on this.


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